The court information on this website is provided as a courtesy and may not contain the most current and /or completed record. The Cobb State Court Clerk's Office makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its record; however, it is possible that some errors may occur when inputting information from its original source. Therefore, the information provided herein is without guarantee, warranty or representation of any kind whatsoever. Your use of and browsing in this website are at your sole risk. In the case of any errors or discrepancies, including deadline dates for the submission of any materials, the official court record will take precedence and may be obtained at the
Cobb State Court Clerk's Office, 12 East Park Square, Marietta, Georgia 30090.
Cobb County and its officials, employees and agents disclaim all liability arising out of your use of or inability to use the information contained herein. This website includes civil cases filed from 3/17/97 through the current year, and traffic and misdemeanor cases filed from 4/26/99 through the current year.
Due to limitations of equipment and bandwidth, this system is not intended as a source of information for those seeking copies of large quantities of records. This system is intended for use by the general public and not to be a source for bulk downloads of data. Efforts to mine large quantities of data from the system will be detected and stopped. Users formulating or constructing their own search or query URLs in an attempt to directly access the database or documents will be permanently denied access to the system without notice.
Today’s case management system updates, will be available the next day.